Safety fuel cells became mandatory in NASCAR racing due to an accident and fire that occurred during the 1964 World 600 race in Charlotte, NC. The driver, Fireball Roberts, died from complications of burns after his race car burst into flames when the stock fuel tank ruptured following an accident.
A safety fuel cell consists of a rugged outer metal shell, rigidly attached to the frame of the race car, with sturdy wide metal straps. Lining the inside of the metal shell is a gasoline resistant rubber bladder. A metal fill plate that is bolted to the top of the fuel cell has a large fill pipe and vent pipe to allow quick refuels during pit stops. The fill and vent pipes have a check ball in each tube that would close and keep the fuel contained in the fuel cell if a rollover were to occur. A special foam inside the rubber bladder keeps fuel from sloshing around inside the fuel cell, that could possibly upset the balance of the race car during high speed turns. If the outer shell were to be damaged during a crash the rubber bladder would keep the fuel contained, reducing the risk of a large fire.
I have witnessed footage of the accident that is depicted in this post. There are few things that are scarier than being strapped into a car with a 5 point harness while it is on fire. There would be many more tragedies exactly the same as this one without the fuel cell. Technologies like this have made motorsports infinitely safer for both spectators, crew members and drivers alike. As a driver it is nice to know that your fuel tank will not fail if you make a mistake and find yourself in the wall or in another car.
ReplyDeleteI have to agree with Ryan. Being burned to death (and drowning) is on my top five ways I don't want to die. But versions of fuel cells are now distributed in even regular cars. These fuel cells are now more generated to actually conserving energy and gas. It's always been amazing to me how people are able to think they have thought of every last detail of a project and then a HUGE accident occurs. And all of a sudden they realize that they overlooked a major issue.
ReplyDeleteFortunately, the number of NASCAR deaths has dropped due to the invention of the fuel cell. Crashes are to be expected but now, as Ryan said, spectators and crew member can watch safely without the fear of an untimely, and unnerving, death.
I would have to say that Fire is probably one of the biggest fears that any motorist would have regarding a motor vehicle accident, especially NASCAR drivers who have a much higher expectancy of getting into a motor vehicle accident. It is nice to know that as the advancements in technology occurred we can come up with more efficient ways of keeping drivers safe such as using fuel cells and that even today not only NASCAR has these cells but now most major car manufacturers make sure to have them in there cars.