Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Toilets Through Time

The toilet is an invention that most of us could not live without. Imagine going back to the middle ages and using a chamber pot to relieve yourself and then dumping it into the streets when you filled the pot. Eww! The toilet was invented by Sir John Harrington for Queen Elizabeth I in 1596. It was a rudimentary design that has advanced greatly through the ages. In 1775 Alexander Cummings was given the first patent for the flushing toilet. The toilet really took off in the 1800's when people realized that poor sanitary conditions were causing many health and environmental problems. The Tremont Hotel of Boston was the first hotel to have indoor plumbing and eight water closets. This was tremendous seeing as only the wealthy could afford indoor plumbing. By 1910 the toilet was changed from the elevated water tank to the closed tank and bowl that we all know and love.


  1. In some countries they still don't have toilets! Sad isn't it?????

  2. Wow I don't think I would even want to live in a country that didn't have tolets to use. As our society keeps growing if we were still living with out toliets the waste on the streets would be really bad. I'm glad that SIr John Harrigton name up with the toliet it was one of the best inventions that could have name out. In a society view I think without the toliet there would be a lot more sickness then there is now.

  3. Yea seriously what is up with that? Very interesting post, I honestly had no idea when the toilet was invented or anything like that. I can’t imagine having to do what people in the middle ages were forced to do. I’m sure many people today take something as simple as the toilet for granted. All together though, very nice work and a very clever idea. I honestly enjoyed reading over your blog and learned something new with every post.

  4. I have actually traveled to Europe several times, and the week i spent in Italy i would say was the most bazaar to me. The toilet there consist of a hole in the ground and what would be similar to a handicap railing for you to be able to hold on as you squat over this hole. It was terrible. But the most expensive of restaurants and bars had real toilets. I never thought i would be so excited to see one in my life! Thank god for this invention!

  5. Up in the mountains my cabin does not have indoor plumbing and you need to go outside to the outhouse which is extremely inconvenient. Its funny to think that an everyday thing that people use such as a toilet would be a luxery to someone else. This is an invention that actually saved lives hundreds of years ago. In England it was actually someone's job to sweep away all of the feces in the street when someone would get out of their carrage. I am glad that I didn't have to grow up in those times or even in a country that still doesnt have indoor plumbing today.

  6. well i think that the technology has been really changed since queen Elizabeth, but if there were not toilets in this generation that it would be a disaster. i think that are some countries where they have the open toilet, countries such as India: if you will go there you will still some places with open toilets and there are also some very poor villages where they actually don't have their own toilet they have like three to four toilet and the whole village have to share it. i think that it would be really disgusting because due to this kind of open toilet and all that people can get bad disease and get sick. Plus in many villages they don't even have doctors so people have to take care of them and don't get sick.

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