Friday, July 31, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
The Chevy Volt

The Chevy Volt is definitely a good choice in the steps being taken to make our country Go Green! The Chevy Volt has an electric motor with a battery that can provide up to 40 miles of range on a single charge! While you are driving a gas engine kicks in to recharge your battery. Since most people drive less than 40 miles a day this means unlike the Prius the Volt could get drivers completely off gas altogether. By having an electric motor with a battery to charge it is safer for the environment because their will be less fumes going into the air!,28804,1852747_1854195_1854120,00.html
The World's Fastest Computer

The World’s fastest Computer which is nicknamed the "Road Runner" was invented on May 26th at 3:30 in the morning. It is an $133 million dollar supercomputer and it broke the long sought after petaflop barrier; 1 quadrillion calculations per second. The "Roadrunner" was built by IBM for Los Alamos National Laboratory and its primary use will be to simulate the effects of aging on nuclear weapons! Imagine using this computer to do your homework!,28804,1852747_1854195_1854123,00.html
Bionic Hand

Touch Bionics have developed the first ever Bionic Hand which is probably greatly appreciated by people who have been born without a hand or lost their hand due to an accident. The Bionic Hand has a very strong grip to be able to grasp objects and hold them for long periods of time. Also, the hand actually has fingers that each have their own motor which is called the I Limb! Touch Bionics are now working on the invention of a prosthetic wrist and full Bionic Arm. Imagine the things a person could accomplish by having their entire arm back after losing it! Having a Bionic Hand is definitely a lot safer for a person because they are able to use their hand properly and not have to struggle to get things or do things on their own!
Camera for the Blind

Never in my life did I think that the day would come that a blind person could have a camera and be able to look at pictures! Well that day has come and the camera is called the Touch Sight Camera. The photographer holds the camera up to their forehead, and a Braille-like screen makes a raised image of whatever the lens sees. It can also record up to three seconds of sound after each image is taken; this makes it possible for the impaired-vision user to search through libraries of their saved photos. This is an amazing invention and I think it is going to be used very often by Vision-impaired individuals. The Touch Sight Camera is very safe for impaired vision users because it allows them to use their braille to figure out what pictures they are looking at!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Preparing to be Safe in America

The United States Department of Homeland Security was established by the Federal Government for the purpose of protecting Americans from any large scale national disaster such as terrorist attacks or natural disasters (hurricanes, tornadoes, floods).
The array of homeland security technologies is as varied as the perceived threats to national security. Industry experts and market analysts generally agree that the following sectors will likely see an influx of technologies in the coming years. They are listed in order of spending projections (PDF) from the Civitas Group, a security consulting firm.
Domestic and Foreign Intelligence
Law Enforcement and Counterterrorism
Border and Physical Security
Biological, Radiological, and Chemical Agent Prevention
Emergency Preparedness and Response
Aviation Security
Port Security
Detection Devices
Biometric Identification
ID Cards
Data Storage
Behavioral Profiling”
The Federal Emergency Management Association (FEMA) developed a public education campaign called Ready America to urge Americans to be prepared for possible future terrorist attacks or natural disasters. The three steps emphasized by FEMA in their public education campaign are “prepare, plan and stay informed.” FEMA encourages citizens to take the first steps to prepare for possible emergencies by making a basic home emergency supply kit. Items to include are listed below from Ready America’s website:
Recommended Items to Include in a Basic Emergency Supply Kit:
§ Water, one gallon of water per person per day for at least three days, for drinking and sanitation
§ Food, at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food
§ Battery-powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert and extra batteries for both
§ Flashlight and extra batteries
§ First aid kit
§ Whistle to signal for help
§ Dust mask, to help filter contaminated air and plastic sheeting and duct tape to shelter-in-place
§ Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation
§ Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities
§ Can opener for food (if kit contains canned food)
§ Local maps
§ Cell phone with chargers
Additional Items to Consider Adding to an Emergency Supply Kit:
§ Prescription medications and glasses
§ Infant formula and diapers
§ Pet food and extra water for your pet
§ Important family documents such as copies of insurance policies, identification and bank account records in a waterproof, portable container
§ Cash or traveler's checks and change
§ Emergency reference material such as a first aid book or information from
§ Sleeping bag or warm blanket for each person. Consider additional bedding if you live in a cold-weather climate.
§ Complete change of clothing including a long sleeved shirt, long pants and sturdy shoes. Consider additional clothing if you live in a cold-weather climate.
§ Household chlorine bleach and medicine dropper – When diluted nine parts water to one part bleach, bleach can be used as a disinfectant. Or in an emergency, you can use it to treat water by using 16 drops of regular household liquid bleach per gallon of water. Do not use scented, color safe or bleaches with added cleaners.
§ Fire Extinguisher
§ Matches in a waterproof container
§ Feminine supplies and personal hygiene items
§ Mess kits, paper cups, plates and plastic utensils, paper towels
§ Paper and pencil
§ Books, games, puzzles or other activities for children "
Additional information on how to prepare for national emergencies is also available on the Ready America website.
Home Fire Sprinkler Systems Save Lives

Saturday, July 25, 2009
What is Reverse 911 ?

Reverse 911 is exactly what it sounds like, 911 in reverse. Instead of citizens calling in, emergency personnel contact designated communities or individuals. The Reverse 911 Interactive Community Notification System is described by its service provider as “a communications solution that uses a patented combination of database and GIS mapping technologies to deliver outbound notifications.” The amazing communication system quickly reaches a specific demographic and provides rapid notification to communities or individuals for the purpose of general information or crisis notification. The current Reverse 911 system is in use by many local governments, police, emergency management agencies, universities, utilities, chemical and transportation companies to quickly inform citizens of impending emergencies. Reverse 911 has been instrumental in saving lives in the recent California wildfires. Authorities were able to rapidly notify residents to evacuate as fire raced toward unsuspecting homeowners. Reverse 911 could be vital to the safety of people living near nuclear power plants or chemical manufacturers when used to inform residents of toxic spills or radiation releases. As communication technologies continue to grow and improve, Reverse 911 will replace slower notifications systems like tornado sirens to warn communities of impending danger.
I Pod Breathalyzer

When you turn on your TV nowadays and watch the news most likely there is always a story about someone being killed or hurt by a drunk driver. This device which is sold by David Steele Enterprises costs $79. It is compact and fits onto the bottom of an IPod and displays the logo "Made for iPod." While it is attached you can download your music by using your FM Radio. The I breath is charged by your IPod’s battery and lets you perform your own Breath test to determine if it is safe for you to drive yourself home. Maybe if more people use the I breath instead of just driving drunk less people will get killed or hurt by drunk drivers and more people will be safe on the road!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Undergraduate Safety Technology Degee at Rochester Institute of Technology

Safety professionals protect resources such as workers, buildings, equipment, intellectual capital, and corporate reputations. They perform their functions in a variety of settings, including manufacturing, construction, engineering, insurance, risk management, consulting, corporate business, government, education, and health care. This program is available to students both on campus and in a distance-learning format.
The safety technology program is academically challenging and prepares graduates with the skills and knowledge to address their organization’s immediate and long-term safety needs, including protection and preservation of workers, buildings, equipment, and corporate reputations. The program prepares graduates to be:
- qualified to practice as safety professionals in industry, government, or other related areas of employment;
- able to progress toward safety management (leadership) positions; and
- able to pursue appropriate advanced education or certification as safety professionals.
The curriculum is grounded in math, science, and the liberal arts, with specialized courses in a wide range of subjects, including occupational safety, fire protection, construction safety, incident investigation, and ergonomics. The safety technology curriculum emphasizes creative problem solving through challenging, application-based courses that provide the opportunity to solve actual safety problems provided by industry.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Your Cell Phone, Your Lifeline

Posted on April 20, 2009 by QuakerDave
The tragic shootings at Columbine High School and Virginia Polytechnic Institute have brought to the forefront the need for rapid, mass communication on college campuses. (see links for more information on Columbine and Virginia Tech. Warning: These videos may disturb some viewers):
College administrators need to be able to quickly communicate with faculty, students and employees in emergency circumstances (severe weather, fire, campus intruder or other emergency). During the Virginia Tech shootings, the university attempted to notify campus members about the ongoing emergency via campus email, the latest technology available at the time to communicate with large groups on campus.
A timeline pictured on Liveleak, shows that it took nearly two and a half hours after the shootings began at Virginia Tech for the university to attempt to notify the campus community about the impending danger.
Where there is a need, technology responds. College campuses everywhere realized they needed a more rapid method of notifying the campus community of emergencies. According to PEW Internet and American Life Project, “nearly 90% of Americans age 18 to 29 years old own a cell phone” . Rave Mobile Safety corporation provides cell phone alerting systems to universities across the United States. In simple terms, students who wish to participate, provide a user profile and cell phone number to campus security. During a campus emergency, university security can contact and locate students via the cell phone’s GPS system. The use of cell phone technology allows the university to immediately contact campus personnel for security purposes. “In addition to responding faster to emergency situations, this service also allows students to request “electronic escorts.” Students can call a second preprogrammed number and record a message informing security that they are walking from the library to their residence hall, for example. The students set a timer and if they do not call back before the time has expired, security will call the cell phone number to check that the student is safe. If there is no verification, security will respond to the incident.”
The newest technology systems are looking not only to provide outgoing messages from the university to students and staff , but are also looking to provide inbound information from individuals requesting emergency help. Future upgrades may allow participants to add medical history (allergies, diabetic or epileptic) to their profile for use in case of emergency. This service may also be used to follow students anywhere off campus where they have a GPS signal.
Bucks County Community College has a cell phone notification system in place. The system of course is only available to students who chose to enroll. Members may enroll on the college website.
Consider enrolling today to safeguard your college experience.
Scanning Electron Microscopes
Although these gadgets were published in 1993, today they have become more useful than ever.
In 1993, Charles Smithart was convicted of the murder of an 11-year-old girl in the town of Glennallen, Alaska. Prosecutors suspected Smithart after he was spotted at the scene of the crime, but they had no evidence directly linking him to the murder. That's where a scanning electron microscope (SEM) came in.
Using the X-ray spectroscopy detector of an SEM, a forensic scientist analyzed bits of iron found at the scene of the crime. He found that they had a globular shape that only welding or grinding produces. As it turned out, Smithart had a welding rig in his shop and would sometimes repair bicycles for the local children. Thanks to the tremendous capabilities of scanning electron microscopes, prosecutors had the evidence they needed to link Smithart to the crime.
Why was an SEM, rather than a regular light, or optical, microscope from the local high school, necessary to examine the evidence for Smithart's trial? For one thing, SEMs can magnify objects at upward of 300,000 times the size of the object studied. Scientists refer to this number as the magnification power and denote it, for example, as 300,000x. In contrast, run-of-the-mill optical microscopes tend to have a magnification power of a few hundred times. SEMs also have tremendous depth of field compared to traditional microscopes, providing an almost 3-D image for researchers to analyze, as compared to the flatter image an optical microscope produces. Lastly, these advanced microscopes can look past the surface of an object, telling researchers information about its composition. All of these attributes proved essential in examining evidence from the Smithart case.
Of course, SEMs have their share of drawbacks as well, like cost. Even the cheapest among them cost tens of thousands of dollars. They're also bulky and complex instruments, requiring considerable expertise to operate. As a result, their use is typically limited to research and industrial applications, though recent breakthroughs have made SEMS more accessible in other applications.
To read more on Scanning Electron Microscopes and to view the whole article you can visit
OnStar Technology
At its most basic, OnStar consists of four different types of technology: cellular, voice recognition, GPS and vehicle telemetry. All of the services that OnStar provides are a result of one or more of these technologies working together.
OnStar's cellular service is voice-activated and hands-free. The console contains a built-in microphone and uses the car speakers. To make a call, you speak a phone number or a previously stored name associated with a phone number. The console is connected to a Vehicle Comm and Interface Module (VCIM), which uses a cellular antenna on top of the car to transmit signals to OnStar's cellular network. (For more information on cellular technology, see How Cell Phones Work.) OnStar's cellular service has a better range than most cell phones (although you can still lose service in remote areas), with a full three watts instead of a regular cell phone's 0.6 watts. With some OnStar plans, you can also use the cellular service just as you would a regular cell phone plan.
For calls to the advisor, OnStar uses voice recognition software similar to that already used in some hand-held cell phones. However, one of OnStar's unique features is the ability to "surf the Web" using the Virtual Advisor automated system. For this service, OnStar uses text-to-voice technology called VoiceXML. When you ask for information, such as "weather," the software translates your request into XML (Extensible Markup Language) and matches it to settings in your OnStar profile. Then it translates the information into VoiceXML and reads it to you. The GPS receiver is called OnCore, and it is part of the VCIM (older OnStar-equipped vehicles have separate modules for the cell phone and GPS system). A GPS receiver uses the amount of time that it takes for a radio signal to get from satellites to a specific location to calculate distance. (For more information on GPS, see How GPS Receivers Work). The OnStar Call Center uses four different satellites to pinpoint the car's location when either the driver or the car itself asks to be located.
Now this is what i call SMART and SAFE technology. To read more on how OnStar works click the link below.
Fire Safety Technology
Probability based fire risk analysis
Development of concepts for fire safety assessment for various premises
Experimental fire safety research in laboratory and in field conditions
Calculational and experimental methods in product development
Fire safety assessment and management of large objects using calculational methods
Performance-based fire safety design enables innovative construction solutions
Reasonable product development costs
Friday, July 17, 2009
Firefighter Personal Protective Equipment
1500-2000 degrees F in a flashover condition. A flashover is when superheated gasses ignite as fresh air is introduced into a building. (2).
The PPE coat and pants consist of an outer shell, thermal liner and moisture barrier. The outer shell is water, cut, tear, flame, and puncture resistant. The outer shell is usually made from a blend of Polybenzimidaxazole (PBI™), Kevlar®, Aramid and Nomex® fabrics. The thermal liner is several layers of Nomex® and Kevlar® sandwiched between an inner and outer layer of woven Nomex®. Next to the firefighter is a moisture barrier made of GORTEX™ which keeps out water but allows the release of perspiration and body heat. Globe brand firefighting gear integrates webbing in the coat called a “Drag Rescue Device” (DRD) to easily pull a firefighter to safety. Webbing can also be installed in the pants so a firefighter can repel themselves safely out a window if egress from the fire building is blocked (3). A Nomex® hood is worn to protect the neck and head from fire and heat. The collar of the coat provides another layer of protection to the neck and ears. A helmet is worn to deflect any falling debris and acts as another layer of thermal protection to the top of the head. Nomex® gloves and waterproof rubber or leather boots complete the ensemble. Yearly inspections by a third party are conducted on the PPE to detect any defects. With proper cleaning and maintenance the gear can last up to eight years. After eight years the gear is retired from service.
Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) (not to be confused with Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus [SCUBA]) components such as air cylinder, hoses and face mask, must meet the same temperature requirements as the PPE clothing. The SCBA must also have a Personal Alert Safety System (PASS) device that signals if a firefighter stops moving for 15-20 seconds. The PASS device also allows the firefighter to manually activate the alert if he or she is in trouble. Bottles are hydro-tested yearly as are regulators and masks.
The cost to equip a firefighter with PPE is around $5500.00. Firefighting coat, pants, boots, helmet and gloves are around $2000.00 and SCBA is around $3500.00 depending on the manufacturer.
2) Cote, Arthur E. NFPA Fire Protection Handbook,pg 12, 143-160. 20th ed. Vol. II.
Quincy:National Fire Protection Association, 2008.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Flight Safety Technology - SOCRATES™

- Reliable in most weather conditions
- Highly accurate
- Eye safe
- Able to detect even small disturbances
- Able to detect disturbances without the presence of large atmospheric particles such as rain or ice crystals
Due to wake turbulence, the FAA restricts take offs and landings behind heavier aircraft, expending precious minutes of runway time in each affected pair of aircraft. According to recent estimates, these delays are part of an estimated $5.2 billion per year in unnecessary costs. Other remedies, such as new runway construction, are costly and environmentally disruptive. Upon successful completion of development, the benefits of SOCRATES™ technology could include:
- The ability for airports and airlines to streamline flight schedules using "adaptive spacing"
- Substantial cost savings generated for airports, airlines and passengers
- Improved flight safety for passengers and airline personnel
Food Quality Monitoring Software - Automated Protection

Take the worry out of food safety.
iQuality is a powerful web-based tool for managing HACCP and inspection programs for large food service organizations. Combining the best technology in PDAs (handheld computers), temperature data acquisition, and .NET web-based software, iQuality automates the monitoring of quality risk factors while dramatically lowering the potential for human error.
Critical information is centralized through web-based reporting, audit trails, and checklist-management tools. Corrective actions are provided when unsafe conditions are detected. Paperwork is eliminated. Through iQuality's efficient inventory recall alert system, any problem can be addressed before an outbreak occurs.
- Inputs temperature probe data directly into the PDA
- Ensures checkpoints are actually visited
- Prompts with corrective actions whenever a critical limit is exceeded
- Manages multi-step processes such as cooling
- Makes reports instantly available via web-browser
- Ensure critical food handling procedures are followed via automated checklists, action prompts, and audit trails
- Streamline regulatory reporting with paperless data capture
- Stay on top of the latest safety procedures with centralized configuration and automatic change distribution
- Improve awareness of food safety with instant alerts and enterprise reports
- Avoid initial acquisition costs with PAR hosting of the enterprise component
- Simplify support with centralized configuration tool and easy-to-use hardware/and software
- Deploys easily with .NET web-based architecture
Laser Technology & Tailgaiting Enforcement

Just like in speed enforcement, traffic officers still need to first visually determine if a vehicle is following too close before they even attempt to validate it with the appropriate police equipment. The UltraLyte 100LR laser with DBC makes these measurements possible and instantly validates the visual determination of the officer.This technology can help law agencies around the world crack down on aggressive driving. Departments have used DBC to promote a public awareness campaign with the intent to remind drivers about the 2-second following rule. Take an active role in reducing crashes and fatalities in your community by integrating a program that promotes safety from the dangers in tailgating and aggressive driving.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Sensor Safety Technolgy

Automatic Door Safety
Industrial Door Safety
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Breakaway Saddle Stirrups