When you turn on your TV nowadays and watch the news most likely there is always a story about someone being killed or hurt by a drunk driver. This device which is sold by David Steele Enterprises costs $79. It is compact and fits onto the bottom of an IPod and displays the logo "Made for iPod." While it is attached you can download your music by using your FM Radio. The I breath is charged by your IPod’s battery and lets you perform your own Breath test to determine if it is safe for you to drive yourself home. Maybe if more people use the I breath instead of just driving drunk less people will get killed or hurt by drunk drivers and more people will be safe on the road!
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ReplyDeleteThis blog post speak greatly about the social aspect of the device. Also I like how everything has an iPod plug in now. The iPod plugs into almost anything now. It is a great outlet for finding your way to the art you want. Using it to download songs you want off the radio is a nice way to find what you know you want. The concept is of an iPod breathalyzer is at least a little novel. There are some personal breathalyzers, but not many. Also very few plug into an iPod. The only problem with the iPod breathalyzer is that if you’re drunk enough to need to use it on yourself to see if you’re sober enough to drive than you probably shouldn't be driving. Even if you’re under the legal limit your obviously not confident enough about how inebriated you are to be driving anyway. The product like the iPod breathalyzer does speak a lot about our society though. We somehow find it completely necessary to have absolutely everything plug into an iPod. We're an entrainment obsessed society.
ReplyDeleteBreathalyzers on ipods, wow what will come next. Ipods have become so mainstream and currently have so many accessories that somehow i am not surprised someone has come up with a way to put a breathalyzer on an ipod. Hopefully it is decently made as to provide an accurate reading. Hopefully people will try this out, and if it works it might save their lives. People, especially the younger generations, go and drive drunk. Maybe they don't know they are or maybe they don't care. This piece of technology will allow people to have control of their drinking and make the right decisions.
ReplyDeleteThe world is looking more and more bleak for drunk drivers thanks to modern technology. That means great news for everyone else in the world. I suppose that taking the breathalyzer test your self would be much less intimidating as opposed to having it administered to you by a police officer. Technology like this empowers people to be more responsible and self conscious. Society should applaud this incredible scientific achievement, which should prove to be quite successful since it attaches to one of the most popular mainstream electronic devices in the iPod.
ReplyDeleteThe IPhone has this too, you blow into the bottom of the phone. This product has the potential to save lives. Many people could use this if they feel they are alright to drive home even though they have had a few beers. If people knew that they were over the legal limit maybe they would decide not to take the risk and drive home. It could also backfire and people could start using it as the basis for a drinking game. Really, think about it. Many young adults would use this to see who could get the higher BAC.
ReplyDeleteI think that the Ipod having a breathlizer on it is amazing. Some many people's lifes could be saved. The I pod is a form of art I think because it's creative. Many different things come from it. Theres music on plus you can look at art on it. Now they have breathlizers too.
ReplyDeleteJen Hight