The World’s fastest Computer which is nicknamed the "Road Runner" was invented on May 26th at 3:30 in the morning. It is an $133 million dollar supercomputer and it broke the long sought after petaflop barrier; 1 quadrillion calculations per second. The "Roadrunner" was built by IBM for Los Alamos National Laboratory and its primary use will be to simulate the effects of aging on nuclear weapons! Imagine using this computer to do your homework!
I wasn't sure how fast a petraflop is, so I went to do a little research and found that holding@home constantly generate about 3.17 petraflops. But the computers are connected through the net rather than physically connected like the road runner.
I remember reading about the "Road Runner" some time back and was amazed at the speed and performance this thing can do. Knowing the power behind the computers that track weather and realizing they aren't the fastest nor the most powerful is pretty incredible. I wonder when the day will come when this machine's specs become those in our home desktop computers.