The Chevy Volt is definitely a good choice in the steps being taken to make our country Go Green! The Chevy Volt has an electric motor with a battery that can provide up to 40 miles of range on a single charge! While you are driving a gas engine kicks in to recharge your battery. Since most people drive less than 40 miles a day this means unlike the Prius the Volt could get drivers completely off gas altogether. By having an electric motor with a battery to charge it is safer for the environment because their will be less fumes going into the air!
Other than the fact that this is a beautiful vehicle, I am strangely interested in the fact that it is an electric car. It surprises me that you can only drive up to 40 miles per charge though. I suddenly question whether the battery will last that long all the time, or like cell phones and laptops, if the charge will lose or decrease in its "life" length. It may just be a trust issue type thing, but I would have a problem driving this car for anything other than immediately local short distance "road trips." How long do elecric cars need to charge? I can only picture my Barbie Jeep from when I was about seven. That thing took hours upon days to charge... (or at least it seemed.)
ReplyDeleteLet me start off by saying that Chevy is my favorite car company. I have seen that many car companys are starting to make Hybrid cars. If all vehicles could go 40 miles on 1 charge of a battery, there would be no wasting gas money!
ReplyDeleteThis is one of the most sophisticated and designed with the most intricate technology we have ever seen. The Chevy volt is one of the most desirable vehicles for everybody. This car is out now but this is also our way to the future. This car has a lot of mechanical equipments but they are all easy to use so anybody from a teenager to an old adult car drives this car. This car is also financial friendly and eco friendly. I think this car will the most demanded car in near future, and hopefully the demands of this car will have other car companies design their own car. Just so people would have more choices in what car to pick if anybody is not a fan of Chevy.
ReplyDeleteWOW... This car is pretty cool. And its smart. I think the ambition of getting everyone off gas is many many years in the future however. I recently saw an AUDI commercial where it said that if 1/3 of people drove diesel cars we would not rely on foreign country's for oil. The diesel engine also has better millage per gallon.
ReplyDeleteIt is so interesting to see what they have done with latest cars. I personally would buy a car like that, all the driving I do this car is great. It also nice to know that you are saving the enviroment and thinking about the future generations.
ReplyDeleteThis is such a great improvement. Car technology keeps getting better and better each year. I like that we are starting to think of the future generation. This car would be great for people that drive a lot.
ReplyDeleteGoing green is such a world-wide phenomenon right now. The economy, in just about every aspect, is looking for ways to conserve energy and our scarce resources. Essentially, that is what an economy does. It measures the use of our scarce resources and the fear right now is that, in time, our resources will become completely depleted. Cars such as the Chevy Volt are engineered to our specific time. The problem with the car companies though, is that they didn’t think of this five years ago. The technology has been available and this is why most of them are near bankruptcy and shutting down. It’s awesome to see how far we’ve evolved as a society, but the fact remains that I believe we’ve lost our pioneering spirit. The one that drives us to come up with ideas and innovations to improve on what we currently have. Way back when foreign companies could see the diamond in the coal, our companies didn’t keep up with the competition. Unfortunately, because they didn’t think ahead they have now fallen behind and have a long way to catch up.
ReplyDeleteI think that an electric car is a good source because it helps global warming. It surprised me that an electric car can run up to 40 miles in a single charge. I think that people should start switching to a hybrid because it saves gas, money and helps our environment. People should have more interest in hybrids. Personally i would like to get a hybrid so that i can help with global warming.
ReplyDeleteThis is a great idea to save the earth and money! i am definately buying this vehicle. the car runs on electricity for up-to 40 miles and automatically converts into gas after the battery is over. many people predict that the future in the transportation is without gas
ReplyDeleteIt’s amazing to see that Chevy has built such an impressive car. I am shocked that this car could allow a driver to run 40 miles without having to use gas as long as you have a full single charge. Hopefully, more cars like this will be on the roads to help protect our environment from anymore unnecessary pollution. This could be the type of thing that could save our future and our children’s future.