Moller International is the first and only company to invent the M400 Skycar which can fly! Imagine being stuck in traffic on a highway and just being able to fly into the sky and go to where you need to go. Well Moller International hopes to accomplish this and develop a safe and reliable Car that can fly. The M400 Skycar can go 275 mph and achieve up to 20 miles per gallon on clean burning, ethanol fuel. You do not have to worry about traffic, red lights or getting speeding tickets! The Skycar seems like it will be a lot safer for people to avoid accidents!
Sure it would be safe if only a handful of people had these kind of cars, but imagine if everyone had them. That would cause some crazy accidents. They need to implement some kind of radar that monitors other vehicles around them to avoid accidents, kind of like what planes use today. Some car companies like Lexus and Mercedes are including this kind of technology into their cars to help prevent accidents by monitoring peoples blind spots and helping them part.
ReplyDeleteFlying is cars as all we know will defiantly happen in future. The question is exactly when? Well the answer depends on companies, because they have to see if it’s affordable to create this car and get it into a production. According to the some high tech companies this flying car should be in production in estimated 25 years or later but if and if only if some people can afford to use it every day. But it’s not as simple as just having a flying car in your garage and you can fly it whenever you want. There are strict rules and regulations that a person has to abide by. Such as they have to have air laws, air traffic and etc… but it is possible that this might come true sooner than we think but all we have to do is waiting.
ReplyDeleteThis is a definitely future invention. A lot of companies are working on this project. I want it to happen in near future but there are couple of different aspects that could come in the way: production cost, government approval, safety, air traffic and many more. So, this will take around 20-30 years to develop into a invention. Even if a company develops the technology, they would have to wait for air traffic, laws, rules and regulations and many more stuff. This technology also has been expressed in movies. They have made so many movies where they show flying cars with computer controlling vehicle. So, this technology will be a revolution in the automobile industry. I cannot wait for buying a flying car for my self.
ReplyDeleteWell flying cars are really nice. People can do a lot while having a flying car. Well we all know that it would be expensive but I can still tell that 7 out of 10 people will have flying cars. If you want to go to some other state then instead of wasting money buying tickets for plane you can just take your flying car. Sometimes I also think that if people will have flying cars and everyone will be flying we will also need some signals up there otherwise we will see so many accidents every day. But I think having a flying car is a good idea. I would like to have one as soon as it comes out.
ReplyDeleteI remember reading as a kid that in 10 years we would have flying, self-directed cars. However, we can't even get Hybrids used by the population efficiently. People can't handle change well, and imagine how it will effect society when the flying car is created. Our infrastructure as we know it would have to be completely altered. You think car accidents on the road are bad, imagine what it would be like for cars colliding in the air? Certain death!
ReplyDeleteI actually have this discussion often with my students. They argue with me why these flying cars are cool, and i argue the points of safety. One that usually gets their minds working is the question of what would happen if your car stalls or runs out of gas? Does your car just drop hundreds of feet from the air? I know movies such as the Fifth Element have cares such as these, but honestly, it just sounds too scary to ever be achievable.