Micro-electronic technology can be used to permanently identify animals and make it easier for animals to be returned to their rightful owners. Many pets are already being permanently identified with this amazing microchip technology by veterinary practices and humane societies. There have been news reports of microchip identification being used to return animals to owners thousands of miles away. One lucky kitten who decided to explore a moving van was reunited with his family after being discovered among the neighbor’s moving cargo in another state. Horses sold for slaughter are now routinely checked for microchip identification before being slaughtered after it was discovered that some valuable show and race horses were presented for slaughter after being stolen. This animal identification procedure will undoubtedly continue to evolve for future use. Future microchip technology might include GPS tracking capabilities to directly track lost or stolen animals. Please read the following article from Avid microchips that describes how this technology works:
“Advanced micro-electronic technology has enabled AVID to develop a system that provides precise, secure and permanent animal identification.
The AVID Animal Identification System utilizes its own unique and patented* technique, based on radiowave communications, to identify animals on demand.
The AVID Animal Identification System is comprised of the following two components:
“Advanced micro-electronic technology has enabled AVID to develop a system that provides precise, secure and permanent animal identification.
The AVID Animal Identification System utilizes its own unique and patented* technique, based on radiowave communications, to identify animals on demand.
The AVID Animal Identification System is comprised of the following two components:
AVID Microchip:Object shown not actual size. 
No power supply to replace or cause harm to animals.
About the size of a grain of rice.
Standard injection procedure implants the identity tag quickly and safely. No anesthesia is required or recommended.
The micro-electronic device is encapsulated within a proven bio-compatible glass.
Accident or injury to the animal will not prevent the reading of the identity tag.
Each identity tag is manufactured and programmed under computer control to insure against duplication of I.D. codes. No two animals would have the same number.
Once implanted, the identity tag is virtually impossible to retrieve. Surgical removal, using the most advanced radiograph techniques available, is extremely difficult. The number can never be altered.
AVID Microchip Reader

No power supply to replace or cause harm to animals.
About the size of a grain of rice.
Standard injection procedure implants the identity tag quickly and safely. No anesthesia is required or recommended.
The micro-electronic device is encapsulated within a proven bio-compatible glass.
Accident or injury to the animal will not prevent the reading of the identity tag.
Each identity tag is manufactured and programmed under computer control to insure against duplication of I.D. codes. No two animals would have the same number.
Once implanted, the identity tag is virtually impossible to retrieve. Surgical removal, using the most advanced radiograph techniques available, is extremely difficult. The number can never be altered.
AVID Microchip Reader

Generates a low energy radio signal that energizes the identity tag to transmit its unique number.
The received number is displayed on a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) in an easy to read format.
Reading time is measured in "Milliseconds".
Can transmit via a standard RS-232 interface to a computer supporting custom applications.*
Manual, Remote or Computer controlled operational capability.*
Battery powered. Standard 9V or rechargable.*
Compact and lightweight. Total unit weighs less than two pounds. AVlD's intelligent and thoughtful design has produced an identity tag reader that is practical for use in both field and clinic environment. “
* Depending on model and options selected.
AVID Holds U.S. Patent Numbers 4,333,072 - 321,069 - 318,658 - 5,214,409 and 5,235,326
This is quite a genius invention! AVID's microchip implant can save families and may possibly even be the start of a bio-technological revolution. It can be assumed that once microchip implants work well in the safekeeping of animals, we will be able to inject humans with internal GPS systems; maybe not tracking systems, but internal memory cards, language translators, and other devices that may be beneficial to our lives. Our society can really profit from this advantageous device.